Thursday, March 19, 2009

An interesting article

From a reputable conservative website:

March 18, 2009
Missouri police given chilling instructions
Timothy Birdnow
Police in Missouri apparently are being instructed to keep on eye on conservatives.

According to this AP article the government of the state of Missouri has issued a report "informing" state police that people with third party bumper stickers on their cars or who believe the NAFTA superhighway is an attempt create a North American Union are subversive members of paramilitary militias and potential terrorists.

The Missouri Information Analysis Center (a division of the state police) has compiled an enemies list of warning signs for state police officers, signs that are supposed to help them determine potential terrorists. Such signs include Ron Paul bumper stickers, or "Right to Carry" handgun stickers (I have to wonder: does it include Support Your Local Police stickers, too?) and our friendly state troopers are warned to proceed with extreme caution against such radicals.

Click here for More

Read the whole article. Also suspect are Christians, those opposed to abortion,
tax revisionists, and anti-illegal immigrant advocates. I guess we should be careful about what bumper stickers we have on our cars.

If you're getting your news from the mainstream media only, you probably would never hear about this.


Annette said...

There are some very strange ideas out there! That is amazing.

Anonymous said...

There are some very disgusting ideas out there. And that is amazing. If we're not pro-active we are going to find our country's freedoms in serious trouble.

Pam's Place said...

Our country's freedoms are already in serious trouble. Fortunately some of the conservative radio hosts picked up on this and exposed it. The first step was that the Missouri Information Analysis Center (who originally promoted this) stepped down about the "third party" promoters. They evidently still got plenty of flack about the rest of it and has now rescinded the whole warning.

But this item is the tip of the iceberg. You already know that those of us who consider marriage between a man and a woman sacred, are being portrayed as "hateful".
And on and on it goes.