Monday, February 2, 2009

The Real Charm

In the previous blog I said the real charm of Little Orleans was the building pictured. But it wasn't. The real charm of Little Orleans was this great group of girls and the fun we had with them that June of 1985. I think every young woman leader believes the girls she teaches and loves and prays for are the best ever. I feel that way about these girls and others whom I've had the privilege of being associated with.

The canoe trip we embarked on from Little Orleans was a part of their Summiteer "hike". We did hike that year, but the canoeing was an added adventure.

The blurriness and fading of this non-digital picture from 23 years ago keeps me from identifying the girls on the porch swings. It would have helped if I had written the names of the girls on the back of the picture, but maybe I couldn't identify them then, either.

I didn't write these names down either, but in the canoe at the far left is our YW President, Debra Huber, and Becky Hawes. I think that is Kim Solomon in the canoe behind them facing forward, and possibly Jill Hemming with her back to the front inthe center, and Daisy Gallien on the right.

Some of the girls and leaders from the Stake on the day of our hike

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Somewhere, there is a group of girls whose lives were changed because of you and the other leaders who took them on this trip and who also spent countless Sunday lessons and week-day activities. Being a Young Women leader is a hard job but so worth it. Thanks for all the years you spent loving Heavenly Father's girls.