One reason Carter wanted to come over, hopefully not the only one, was that he loves to play mini-golf and we had started our own little tradition of playing mini-golf on nice spring mornings, just him and me, with no one else around.
So the first order of business on Wednesday was to drive over to Cascade, select the balls and clubs of our choice, and head onto the golf course.
Here's Tiger
We didn't keep score, but this boy is pretty good with a golf club. I know he had a par on at least one hole, and has seen a few hole-in-ones (holes-in-one?)in his short golfing career.
Being the beautiful day that it was, when we were done golfing, we went to Lynne's to spend a little while on the lawn swings with her. Carter decided he would photo-document this outing:
It was a beautiful, clear day.
The flowers were in full bloom.
The grass was green, and well cut, thanks to Phil a few days before.
Speaking of Phil, he was busy with "guy things", i.e. getting soaker hoses unwound and placed for the summer, putting the awnings on the swings, etc. Carter put down the camera to get in on the action:
Carter is a good helper. And Phil is a patient man.
When he wasn't helping, Carter took up the camera once again.
He brought his golf clubs along...
....hmmm. He seems to have misplaced the clubs. They were there somewhere.
I think all the girl talk got a little boring, and Phil went into the house. The camera became all important at this point. Here's life through the eyes of a 4 year old:
He was especially proud of this self portrait:
When we left Lynne's, Carter got into the car and exclaimed, "I had fun!"
The photos above are but a few of the many, many great pictures Carter took on Wednesday. The only photos he did not take in this blog are the ones in which he appears.
My favorite part of the day happened right after mini-golf. We were getting out of the car at the house, and Carter said, "Grandma, you are my very best friend." I took his little face in my hands, looked him in the eye and said, "Carter, you are my very best friend too." I wanted to soak up that moment and write it permanently on the tablet of my heart.
I turned and went ahead of him to unlock the back door. Behind me I heard this little voice, "Grandma, you have a big bum."
Is that just so typical, from near-tears to rolled eyes! I'm so envious of your wonderful day with your grandbaby.
I'm so glad you put that in writing. It is a classic that will go down in history.
How did I miss this post? What a cute boy he is. The next time he comes we are going to try rhubarb. Does he like sour things? We should make him some rhubarb fruit leather.
Gotta love that last line. Kids, huh?
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