When I asked Mike if I could send this to my sister, this was his reply:
"Pam, you can share it with anybody, including your zombified friend. My name is Michael Shtalman. You can also clarify that I was in the country where Obamas ones won under the pretext of "bringing hope". Even if it helps one person to start thinking as opposed to swallow the media poison - I'd be satisfied."
by Michael Shtalman
Our crowd is checkered with H-placards
Ecstatic fellas are shouting: H…, H…, H…!!!
Hope unites us and helps us feel elated
Yes, we can!!!
Can what?
Don’t be a cynical reactionary, dude.
Something good, common good, very common …
The open-ended slogans stem from open hearts
Stop laughing and shut up you,
Damn egg-headed critics!
We greet a great leader, a savior, here
Yes, we can – - subdue those greedy egotists,
Those self-interested bourgeois thugs.
He will install true people’s bureaucracy
And redistribute the wealth justly
95% of the citizens will flourish *
And the damn rich 5% pay for that;
The rest of the world will respect us again
Charisma and socialistic vision alone,
Not the “experience”, will do the miracles.
Holding their breath, a multitude of Germans
Heed his speech at the Großer Stern
Some chicks pee their panties**
Everybody shouts with ardor:
“Heil, Heil, Heil Hitler !!!”
And now you, schleppers, encouraged by a zombie,
Are going to schlep to Florida. Faceless crowd …
H…, H…, H…
* 95% of the Hitler’s party, NSDAP, were workers. Obama also likes to claim he is acting in the best interests of 95% of the “working people”
* * According to some historic records, at least some Hitler admirers urinated upon hearing of his speeches.
From Pam, a post script: Mike tells me he participates in a Russian American forum who recently took their own poll. Obama 29, McCain 61